1307-1309 Main Street Humboldt TN
Tele-Health Services
Tele-health allows your Therapist to care for you without an in-person office visit.
Once you call in for an appointment for Tele-health you will provide an email and paperwork will be sent to you.
You will need to fill it out completely and if you have insurance you must provide a copy of the front and back of your card.
Once forms are sent back to tbeard.acc@gmail.com you will be contacted for an appointment time for your first visit.
You must have internet access by your computer or phone and be in a place where your privacy is protected.
Any payments that are due will be paid via phone prior to the appointment.
Some of the benefits of Tele-Health are:
Reduces personal barriers to getting to traditional treatment such as childcare; sickness in your family making you unable to travel; transportation and work.
We offer self-referred Tele-health Services to those persons requesting Mental Health and or Substance Abuse Counseling.
Services are provided on a HIPPA-compliant site so you can have comfort knowing you are protected.